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Kinder to 5th Grade

All students are eligible to attend Hoover; however, spaces are limited, and admission is granted through a waiting list. An application must be submitted for each student, including siblings of students already enrolled at Hoover and including students of PAUSD employees.

To enroll in Kindergarten, student must be at least 5 years of age on or before September 1 of the academic year of enrollment. 

Parents may attend any or all Information Nights for all Choice Programs, but only one of the four Choice Programs may be applied to. 

Please email us if you have any questions. 

Kindergarten Lottery

Equal access to all PAUSD Choice Programs is provided by application and enrollment using a random drawing, or lottery, for kindergartners.

A prospective student must live within the boundaries of the PAUSD and be registered in the district during Priority Registration (TBD).

Parental commitment - demonstrated by attending a Hoover Parent Information meeting and Submitting an Application - is required prior to entry in the lottery to ensure parents are making an informed choice. Inclusion in the kindergarten lottery is by application only. After completing the district registration process, mark your calendar to attend one of the online Parent Information meetings

Parent(s) must have attended one of the two Hoover Parent Information Meetings:

After attending the required Parent Information meeting, complete Choice Program Application

Deadline for Choice Program Application: February 21, 2025 at 4:00 pm

Here is the Choice Program Waitlist Application

For more information, please email Hoover Attendance

The lotteries for all programs will be held on February 28,2025, at the Palo Alto Unified School District Office beginning at 10 am. The public is welcome to observe.

Parents whose children's names are drawn during the initial drawing will be notified via an email sent to the parent email addresses indicated on the Choice Program Application. They have until March 5, 2024 at 4:00 pm, to accept or decline the space. If the space is declined, the child's name will be removed from the list.

Parents whose children's names are not selected during the initial kindergarten lottery shall be placed on a waiting list. Should a seat become available, waitlisted parents will be notified about the available space and will have 48 hours in which to accept or decline the space. The child's name will be removed from the list if the seat is declined.