Why Choose Hoover
Quality learning at Hoover is not accidental. A caring, collaborative staff that shares a wide variety of expertise, coupled with strong support from Instructional Assistants, aides, specialists, and our dedicated parent/guardian community, creates the conditions for optimal academic, social, and emotional learning in a safe, caring environment where our students can grow their brains and do their best learning in school each day.
- Structured, teacher-facilitated, student-centered learning environment
- Clear, cohesive academic and behavioral expectations and minimal interruption to prime morning instructional time
- Three single-grade classrooms at each grade level
- Kindergarten: Parents are welcome to volunteer in the kindergarten classroom in order to facilitate a smooth transition to the elementary school setting. Each class has a designated kindergarten aide.
- In grades 1-5 our parents provide vital support outside of the classroom during the academic day to support students in becoming self-motivated, self-directed, autonomous learners. Instruction is delivered by certificated teaching staff and Instructional Assistants only.
- Six Instructional Assistants in the areas of literacy, math, and science that are either certificated or have a related college degree, provide instructional support in each classroom.
- Regular individualized progress reports are provided for each student in grades 1-5 in addition to District progress reports.
- Unique student leadership opportunities: Student Council, Playworks Juinor Coaches, Green Team Executive Board, student-created noontime clubs, upper grade recess monitors: ball room, Lego, art cart and board games
- School-wide annual Invention Convention to promote creativity, problem solving, and design thinking skills. This program is unique to Hoover.
- Technology: 1:1 laptops in third through fifth grades, 2:1 iPads in grades 1 and 2, three makers carts equipped with coding and engineering equipment; participation in the Hour of Code
- Art lessons provided by a trained artist each week
- District music and PE programs are provided at each elementary school site
- The Responsive Classroom approach to learning is implemented in grades K-5: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/
- Hoover has a Yoga instructor who visits classrooms daily. Yoga provides many teachable moments for achieving growth and positive mindset, practicing kindness to self and others, gratitude, discipline and ultimately, a focused, still and calm mind that’s ready to embrace academic learning.
- Hoover is a proud Project Cornerstone School! We have fully implemented the ABC (Asset Building Champions) reading program. For more information please visit the Project Cornerstone Website.